• March 10, 2024

In 2024 – Top trends in digital marketing

Digital marketing trends can’t be ignored. In the past, businesses just had a website and Facebook page, but today digital marketing technologies are continuously coming out rapidly. It is hard to keep up and update. Not only technological advancements are a matter of concern, but the consumer’s behavior is also revolutionized. Customer’s behavior has changed as new technologies have come, and due to the vast range of options available online. Let me give an example of Facebook speculations are on TechCrunch like a platform that Facebook is peaking now, its falling starts. According to Forbes, 41% of its users are over the age of 65. Because the younger generation is opting for new platforms like Instagram. And in order to achieve success through the digital marketing trends, it is essential to employ the quality digital marketing agency in Dubai.

Artificial intelligence is playing a vital role in global businesses. Programmatic advertising is used to automate the buying ads process; so, advertisers are now easily targeting a specific audience. It is changing digital advertisements so promptly that in 2024 total digital display ads are 86.2% in the US, according to eMarketer. There are chatting platforms used by online companies to communicate their customers and site visitors. These are very helpful because around 82% of consumers want an immediate response, that thing urges us to coin a new term Conversational marketing.

Because these rapidly evolving changes are happening in digital marketing, so it is crucial to adapt to it to survive.

Artificial intelligence nurturing digital marketing:

Artificial intelligence is a canopy of today’s modern technologies, and its role is central in every discipline of life is the coming years. Microsoft is making such kinds of robots that can provide surveillance. Such companies use AI in cars and robots. These robots are able to patrol and seek activities to predict and prevent crime. Such robots are cheap to acquire as compared to a human security guard. In digital marketing, it is used in software that sends messages at an enormous level to communicate with consumers and sell their products. Natural language processing is a difficult task, but due to AI, companies are using AI software to decipher, use voice search to know the desires of consumers. And it also regulates payment on online banking platforms by using voice commands.


Chatting online with chatbots of companies becomes a norm nowadays. These chatbots have AI base expertise to do instant messaging to chat with customers at any time, and this thing adds value to it. Because chatbots power 85% of customer service in 2024. 63% of respondents prefer online messaging on an online chatbot with brands. It is saving billions of dollars of companies; nearly 80% of companies want chatbot instead of a human. Lyft like apps are already using a chatbot to communicate with consumers, people can request for a ride from Lyft via chat. Passengers can track the location of the car, and also pay through this app.

Social media messaging apps:

Social media apps are used for instant messaging, but it is not only used to send emoji and smiling faces. Most people are spending their most time on these apps to communicate with their friends. It is a sensible strategy to market your brand on such platforms where most of your customers are hanging out. Approximately 1.6 billion users are active on Facebook monthly, and 10 billion messages are sent among businesses and customers on Facebook messenger. Direct messaging to consumers creates a personalized relation between brand and consumer. In addition, it adds value to the user experience because people expect companies should have such platforms; it helps them to directly communicate and interact with the brand.

Visual search:

It is not surprising that the visual search is now becoming a digital marketing trend. Companies like Pinterest and Google are using their image search tools to search for similar objects.

Pinterest has its Pinterest lens tool to search images, where people search photos of an item and find out where they can buy it. Pinterest lens tool now recognized 2.5 billion fashion objects. In addition, a million searches are happening on it daily.

Google lens is a visual search tool to recognize objects, landscapes, and even paintings. You just take a photo and search it, and it will find a similar thing very precisely. People search on their business cards, fashion brands, books, and paintings.

Voice search:

Searching by voice plays an important role in the coming years. Today half of the search is now turning into voice search. Shopping through voice will reach 40 billion at the end of 2024, which is twenty times higher than a couple of years ago. People expect more voice searches on the internet in the future. AI is becoming smarter day by day, and its errors are reduced rapidly. Tech companies like Amazon, Google, and Apple are now improving their voice assistants.

As you see, digital marketing is not just evolving, but also opting new expertise to engage with larger and new audiences. If digital marketers do not adopt new trends, they will leave behind.

And in order to compete well, it is essential for a business to lead the industry. And for this purpose, it is also mandatory to employ a digital Marketing Agency in Dubai.

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